I went to Justine's flat to have my English lesson.
I like her flat very much. It's a very lovely flat which is located in a quiet residential district.
We have been studying about the rules of articles recently. There are many rules regarding nouns, such as countable and uncountable, singular and plural, articles, etc.
It's not so easy for me because Japanese nouns don't change and we don't have articles.
When I started my lesson with Justine, I used to make a lot of mistakes with my writing because I didn't understand about articles and nouns correctly.
I hope I will be able to write English perfectly someday.
After the lesson, I walked around Edgecliff for a short time. The autumn sky was very beautiful.

I found a small park behind the station. There was a small bush.

I saw a valley from the park. It's such an uneven place around Edgecliff.
Woollahra is thought to have been the Aboriginal name which meant "The lookout".
In fact, there are a lookout point.

After that, I visited to Divnas house to see the dogs.
Lotty wasn't there. He had gone back to his owner's place.
Missy wasn't scared anymore.
Both Sunce and Missy looked calm...
I always drop in on Sunce after my English lesson on Tuesday.
Probably I see Sunce more often than Divna.
I've never had my own dog before but if I can live with a dog who likes Sunce, I would be happy.
This is my dream...
For me, He is not just a dog. He is "Sunce". There is no dog like him.

I met Divna coming home on my way home.
She told me that she started another job from last week so she would be busier.
We have been studying about the rules of articles recently. There are many rules regarding nouns, such as countable and uncountable, singular and plural, articles, etc.
It's not so easy for me because Japanese nouns don't change and we don't have articles.
When I started my lesson with Justine, I used to make a lot of mistakes with my writing because I didn't understand about articles and nouns correctly.
I hope I will be able to write English perfectly someday.
After the lesson, I walked around Edgecliff for a short time. The autumn sky was very beautiful.
I found a small park behind the station. There was a small bush.
I saw a valley from the park. It's such an uneven place around Edgecliff.
Woollahra is thought to have been the Aboriginal name which meant "The lookout".
In fact, there are a lookout point.
After that, I visited to Divnas house to see the dogs.
Lotty wasn't there. He had gone back to his owner's place.
Missy wasn't scared anymore.
Both Sunce and Missy looked calm...
I always drop in on Sunce after my English lesson on Tuesday.
Probably I see Sunce more often than Divna.
I've never had my own dog before but if I can live with a dog who likes Sunce, I would be happy.
This is my dream...
For me, He is not just a dog. He is "Sunce". There is no dog like him.
I met Divna coming home on my way home.
She told me that she started another job from last week so she would be busier.
Your blog is very good! I like all your photos of Sydney. And your English is also very good - I wish I was as fluent in a second language.
Dear fairlie,
Thank you very much for your comment.
I was very happy.
Sydney is such a beautiful city and there are a lot of beautiful places for walking.
Fortunately, I have enough free time, so I will go walking as many as I can.
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